FITA Congress Elections

During the FITA Congress held in Ulsan (KOR), Prof. Dr. Ugur Erdener was re-elecetd as FITA President. He proposed Tom Dielen as Secretary General, who was applauded by the Congress delegates.

EMAU President, Mr Mario Scarzella, was re-elected as FITA Council Member for 4 years together with the EMAU Council Members Mrs Trudy Medwed and Mr Vladimir Esheev. While Mr Philippe Bouclet was re-elected as FITA Vice President.

The Congress delegates accepted many important changes which will be appreciated by the archers, including:

– mixed teams: the competition will be introduced officially in the program of the Championships;

– Cadets can shoot in their category through the year of their 17th birthday and the Juniors through the year of their 20th birthday. This new rule will be applied as of 1 January 2010.

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