Historical EMAU Congress

May 2012 at the eve of the XX European Archery Championships, the 13th EMAU Congress took place in Amsterdam. Delegates of 40 countries participated to that worthwhile and historical Congress. It was voted at a large majority to change the name of the European Continental Union, from EMAU to World Archery Europe (WAE).

During the Congress Session, the following motions were voted: to have English as the only official language;to change the name of the Council in Executive Boardand to have the World Archery Europe Para Championships every 4 years in even years.

All the motions will come into effect from the 1st January 2013.

Vladimir Esheev (RUS) was re-elected as Vice President . Thierry Zintz (BEL) and Trudy Medwed (AUT) were also reconfirmed as Council members and Lind Rolf (DEN) will join them as new member of our Council.

The elections went on with the Committees positions. The following people were elected:

DTAC Committee

Patrick Lebeau (FRA)

Trudy Medwed (AUT)

Evelyn Papadopoulou (GRE)

Judges Committee

Jean Martens (BEL)

Pol Ney (LUX)

Henk Wagemakers (NED)

Junior Development Committee

Gullimar Akerlund (SWE)

Paola Bertone (ITA)

Irena Rosa (SLO)

3D & Field Committee

Cenneth Ahlund (SWE)

Michel Adnet (FRA)

Roberto Gotelli (ITA)


Gianni Mangino announced his retirement as EMAU treasurer after having cooperated with EMAU for a 20 years period. He received a warm applause by the Congress and the title of EMAU Honorary Treasurer. The President Mario Scarzella gave him a plaquette from EMAU.


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