Reminder Coach Trainer Course


The WAE training course of archery coaches trainers will be held in Antalya Belek (Turkey) on 9-18 December 2013.

Only the respective National Archery Federation can send the registration of 1 coach to WAE Europe not later than 10 November 2013.

Please, take note that after 20 September a second participant from the same country can be registered. Additional participants will have to cover their participation cost by their own.

Costs: Free for one candidate per country. Travel to Antalya is at the attendant charge. All the cost related to Course attendance will be taken in charge at the Airport arrival by the Turkish Archery Federation. Included: (during the course), onsite transportation, hotel and full board (Meals: High Class All Inclusive System) and training cost.

For additional participants: local transport price is 50 USD per person from/to Airport-Hotel. Hotel accommodation, full Board, price is 70 USD per person in double room and 105 USD in single room.

The maximum number of the candidates will be 14, so please register as soon as possible by contactingWAE:[email protected]

Please send a copy of your registration to WAE DTAC: [email protected] and to WA:  [email protected]and [email protected]

The principle is always the same: first registered, first served

For more information, please visit the DTAC session.

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