Judges Seminar in Wiesbaden 2013

15 candidates accredited as WAE Continental Judges

A successful WAE Continental Judge Seminar was held in Wiesbaden (GER) from 25 to 27 October 2013, conducted by WAE Judges Committee, Mr. Pol Ney, Mr. Jean Martens and Mr. Henk Wagemakers.

18 candidates from 11 European Member Associations participated to the Seminar. Both genders were equally represented with 8 ladies and 8 men, with a high percentage of young candidates.

The seminar presentations covered extensively all aspects of the rules and procedures of outdoor and indoor target archery and covered the basics of field & 3D archery, para-archery and director of shooting tasks and duties. Three case study sessions and practical workshops completed the program of two intensive and long working days.

The judge committee acknowledged the high level of knowledge and competence of the participants, who interacted very actively during the seminar presentations and at the analysis of the case studies.

A majority of the participants already had the opportunity to officiate as national judge or as DoS at WAE Junior Cups, Grand Prix or at WA World Cups. This reflected well their intervention and input during the workshops.

Based on the written exam and the evaluation of the candidates about their involvement in the case studies and workshops, the following 15 candidates have been accredited as WAE Continental Judge.

Helmut Pöll (AUT), Christoph Schillinger (AUT),

Nina Herceg (CRO),

Katerina Koncalova (CZE), Kristina Anna Reitmeier (CZE),

Pyry Ekholm (FIN), Niko Ylipelkonen (FIN),

Carsten Kühn (GER),

Yuri Yogev (ISR),

Dajana Piccolo (ITA), Giorgio Piga (ITA),

Paul van Veen (NED),

Marusa Rusjan (SLO), Maya Shalaby (SLO),

Nataliya Rodionova (UKR).

WAE congratulates them for successfully passing the exam and is proud to welcome them as new WAE Judges.

All the new WAE Judges together with Mr. Klaus Lindau, WAE 1st vice-president.

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