EPAC14 – No titles assignment in VI, W1 (2)

Please, take note that after the deadline of the preliminary entries for the European Para Archery Championships (Nottwill, 26 July – 4 August 2014) there are insufficient number of entries to have a European title awarded for the following categories: VI Men and Women and W1 Women.

As per the WAE Rules, there will be no finals when there are less than 4 participants/category and teams. Therefore in Nottwil there will not be titles for VI men and women and W1 women. They will be able to shoot but no official WAE medals will be awarded to them. In agreement with the Organising Committee, a price will be given to the top 3 participants.

Therefore, please, inform the athletes and team captains concerned. The categories will be maintained on the program, so that the archers might decide individually if they wish to participate or not.

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