WAE Executive Board Meeting – Nov 15

The World Archery Europe Executive Board meeting was held on 21 and 22 November 2015 in Rome at the headquarters of the Italian Archery Federation.

These are some of the important decisions:

WAE Elective Congress

The Elective Congress will be held in Nottingham (GBR) on Sunday 22 May 2016 in the morning at 9.00 o’clock.

The following positions are vacant or up for re-election:

  • Vice President (1)
  • Members (4)
  • Development and Technical Committee (3), Judges Committee (3), Youth Development Committee (3), 3D& Field Committee (3).


European Championships

  • The Executive Board allocated the European Indoor Championships to the French Archery Federation. The Championships will be held in Vittel on 7-11 March 2017.
  • The E.B. changed the date of the European 3D Championships in Mokrice-Catez (SLO). The new date is 30 August – 3 September 2016.


European Grand Prix

The Executive Board changed the date of the Grand Prix 2016 in Sofia. The new date is: 12-16 April 2016. 

The WAE E.B. decided to give to the winners of each leg of the Grand Prix competitions (Recurve and Compound, Men and Women), the following money prices:

         1st place: 1000 €

         2nd place:   600 €

         3rd place:   400 €


Furthermore, in order to increase the number of participants to the Grand Prix, also for 2016, Individual entries to the competitions are allowed. It means that not only National Team archers can enter the Grand Prix, but also Club archers.

This is a great opportunity for the Club archers to compete with top European archers in an international competition.


Youth Development Committee

The E.B. allocated the 1st leg of the Youth Cup to the Hungarian Archery Association. The competition will be held in Héviz on 2-7 May 2016. Mrs Irena Rosa was appointed as TD.

The dates for the Youth Cups 2017 were fixed: 1st leg: 17-22 April; 2nd leg:17-22 July.


Mediterranean Games

Mr. Ardingo Scarzella was appointed as Technical Delegate for the Mediterranean Games that will be held in Tarragona (Spain) on 30/6 – 9/7 2017.

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