REMINDER – WAE Archery Coaches Trainers Course Level 2

I would like to remind you that an important archery Coaches Trainers Course Level 2 will be organized in Marathon (Greece), for 6 days, on 18-24 April 2016.

This course is a follow up course of a 2 years special Continental Training project, open to all European Archery Federations.

The principle of this project is to train European Level 1 Coach Trainers how to train Level 2 archery Coaches.

The WAE and WA encourage all European Archery Federations that already have at least one Level 1 Coach Trainer to register at least one participant to this special training course of Level 2 (Archery Coach Trainers).

Only the respective National Archery Federation can send the registration of 1 coach to WAE Europe not later than 20 March 2016.

The total number of eligible participants will be 14.

Please, take note that after 20 March, if some spots are still available, a second participant from the same country can be registered, based on the date of the reception of the 2nd participant’s Registration form.


Up to the first 14 selected participants, all the cost related to Course attendance will be taken in charge at the Airport arrival by the Hellenic Archery Federation. Included: training cost, onsite transportation, accommodation in full board base (during the course) and sightseeing tour.

For a single room accommodation request, the participant should pay the extra cost of 40 € per night (full board). In this case, please inform Mrs Evelyn Papadopoulou: [email protected] as soon as possible.

In case of decision for additional participants, more than the 14 places, they should cover their total participation cost. The prices are per person for:

Local transportation: 40 € from/to Airport/Hotel.

Sightseeing tour: 20 €

Hotel accommodation (Full Board): 60 € in double room and 95 € in single room.


Please register as soon as possible by contacting WAE: [email protected] .

Please send a copy of your registration to WAF: [email protected] , to WAE DTAC: [email protected] and to Hellenic Archery Federation: [email protected] .

Official page of Course Level 2

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