New classification handbook for Para-Archery released

An updated version of the World Archery classification handbook comes into effect on 1 October 2017.

The classification system provides a structure for Para-Archery competition, grouping athletes by impairment to create the most level playing field possible. World Archery’s classification handbook includes practical advice for classifiers, which may also be useful for athletes, coaches and support personnel.

This updated version of the handbook (April 2017) has been approved by the World Archery Executive Board and comes into effect on 1 October 2017.

No athlete may compete in an international Para-Archery competition without a current international classification.

The classification of athletes is carried out at international events, when the organiser offers the service, and this new documentation has been issued in time so that athletes and officials have time to consider how the changes may affect them and their future programmes.

Its provisions come into effect after the World Archery Para Championships in Beijing on 12-17 September 2017, and there will be the opportunity for current and prospective W1 athletes to be classified using the new criteria once they have finished shooting in the championships.

The handbook can be downloaded here or on the classification page.

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