WAE History

The first General Assembly of the European and Mediterranean Archery Union (now World Archery Europe, WAE) was held in Paris (France), on April 17th 1988 on the initiative of Mr. François de Massary, President of the French Archery Federation.

During the meeting the first Constitution was approved by the delegates of 19 European Countries: Belgium, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey, Yugoslavia.

Its primary goal was to promote and encourage archery throughout Europe and the Mediterranean area.

This was the first Organization Chart:

President: Mr. François de Massary (FRA)
Vice Presidents: Mr. Raoul Theeuws (BEL), Mr. Zbigiew Dominikowski (POL)
Council Members: Mr. Marc Schreiner (LUX), Mr. Henrik Larsen (DEN), Mr. Ernesto De Oliveira (POR), Mr. Fotis Dimitrakopoulos (GRE)
Secretary General: Mr. Patrick Monier (FRA)
Treasurer: Mr. Alain Rossi (FRA)

The second Congress was held in Lausanne (Switzerland), on July 1st 1989.
The Member Associations of the Union were 29.

On June 25th 1992, in Malta, during the 3rd Congress, Mr. Gino Mattielli was elected President of the European and Mediterranean Archery Union by the delegates of 28 countries.

This was the new EMAU Council:
President: Mr. Gino Mattielli (ITA)
Vice Presidents: Mr. Klaus Rottger (GER), Mr. Henrik Larsen (DEN)
Council Members: Mr. Dov Alon (ISR), Mr. Bela Barsy (HUN), Mr. Stan Patterson (GBR), Mrs. Monika Warnhjelm (FIN)
Secretary General: Mr. Raoul Theeuws (BEL)
Executive Secretary: Mrs. Marinella Pisciotti (ITA)
Treasurer: Mr. Gianni Mangino (ITA)

Mr. Francois De Massary was appointed EMAU Honorary President.

After the Congress of Nymburk (Czech Republic), in 1994, the Organization Chart had changed this way:
President: Mr. Gino Mattielli (ITA)
Vice Presidents: Mr. Klaus Rottger (GER), Mr. Henrik Larsen (DEN)
Council Members: Mr. Dov Alon (ISR), Mrs. Monika Aspelin (FIN), Mr. Bela Barsy (HUN), Mrs. Clio Tsoni (GRE)
Secretary General: Mr. Raoul Theeuws (BEL)
Executive Secretary: Mrs. Marinella Pisciotti (ITA)
Treasurer: Mr. Gianni Mangino (ITA)

During the 5th Congress in Mol (Belgium), in 1996, Mr. Gino Mattielli was re-elected. The new Organization Chart was this:

President: Mr. Gino Mattielli (ITA)
Vice Presidents: dr. Ugur Erdener (TUR), Mr. Klaus Lindau (GER)
Council Members: Mrs. Lynne Evans (GBR), Mrs. Trudy Medwed (AUT), Mr. Francois Montangero (SUI), Mr. Willem Trienekens (NED)
Secretary General: Mr. Raoul Theeuws (BEL)
Executive Secretary: Mrs. Marinella Pisciotti (ITA)
Treasurer: Mr. Gianni Mangino (ITA)

During the 6th Congress in Oldenburg (Germany), on 5th March 1998, Mr. Klaus Lindau was re-elected as Vice President, while Mrs Trudy Medwed and Mr Francois Montagero as Council Memmbers.

The new Organization Chart was:
President: Mr. Gino Mattielli (ITA)
Vice Presidents: dr. Ugur Erdener (TUR), Mr. Klaus Lindau (GER)
Council Members: Mrs. Lynne Evans (GBR), Mrs. Trudy Medwed (AUT), Mr. Francois Montangero (SUI), Mr. Willem Trienekens (NED)
Secretary General: Mr. Raoul Theeuws (BEL)
Executive Secretary: Mrs. Marinella Pisciotti (ITA)
Treasurer: Mr. Gianni Mangino (ITA)

On March 26th 1999 President Mattielli suddenly passed away.
He was Vice-President of FITA and President of Italian Archery Federation. He has contributed in the development of archery in Italy, Europe and throughout the World. After his death, the acting President was dr. Ugur Erdener (EMAU Vice President and President of the Turkish Archery Federation).

On March 2nd 2000 was held the elective 7th Congress in Spala (Poland), and dr. Ugur Erdener (TUR) was elected President of EMAU.
31 countries attended the meeting.

This was the new Council:
President: dr. Ugur Erdener (TUR)
Vice Presidents: Mr. Klaus Lindau (GER), Mr. Vladimir Esheev (RUS)
Council Members: Mr. Dario Carbone (ITA), Mrs. Trudy Medwed (AUT), Mr. François Montangero (SUI), Mr. John Skou (DEN)
Secretary General: Mrs. Marinella Pisciotti (ITA)
Treasurer: Mr. Gianni Mangino (ITA)

At the 8th Congress in Ankara (TUR) held on 13th March 2002, some new members of council were elected and this was the new Organization Chart:
President: Mr.Ugur Erdener (TUR)
Vice Presidents: Mr.Klaus Lindau (GER), Mr.Vladimir Esheev (RUS)
Council Members: Mrs.Trudy Medwed (AUT), Mrs. Evelyn Papadopoulou (GRE), Mr. Mario Scarzella (ITA), Mr.Aharon Lahav  (ISR)
Secretary General: Mrs.Marinella Pisciotti (ITA)
Treasurer: Mr.Gianni Mangino (ITA)

At the 9th Congress in Sassari (Italy) held on March 15th 2004, some members of council were re-elected and this was the new Organization Chart:
President: Mr.Ugur Erdener (TUR)
Vice Presidents: Mr.Klaus Lindau (GER), Mr.Vladimir Esheev (RUS)
Council Members: Mrs.Trudy Medwed (AUT), Mrs. Evelyn Papadopoulou (GRE), Mr. Mario Scarzella (ITA), Mrs.Eva Thesen  (NOR)
Secretary General: Mrs.Marinella Pisciotti (ITA)
Treasurer: Mr.Gianni Mangino (ITA)

Dr. Ugur Erdener, during the FITA Congress in Madrid on 2005, was elected FITA President and retired from the EMAU presidency. EMAU acting President was Mr. Klaus Lindau, Vice President of the Union.

Dr. Erdener contributed with his efforts in the development of the archery in Europe and has transformed EMAU in an efficient structure.

During the 10th elective Congress held in Jaén (Spain), on March 13th 2006, Mr. Mario Scarzella was elected President of EMAU.
39 Members Associations were present.

This was the Organization Chart:
President: Mr. Mario Scarzella (ITA)
Vice Presidents: Mr. Klaus Lindau (GER) and Mr. Vladimir Esheev (RUS)
Council Members: Mr. Philippe Bouclet (FRA), Mrs. Trudy Medwed (AUT), Mr. Lorenzo Miret Alonso (ESP), Mrs. Eva Thesen (NOR)
Secretary General: Mrs. Marinella Pisciotti (ITA)
Treasurer: Mr. Gianni Mangino (ITA)

Dr. Ugur Erdener was appointed EMAU Honorary President.

On March 12th 2008 was held the 11th EMAU Congress in Vittel (France), with 38 Members Associations attending.

This was the Organization Chart:
President: Mr. Mario Scarzella (ITA)
Vice Presidents: Mr. Klaus Lindau (GER), Mr Vladimir Esheev (RUS)
Council Members: Mr. Kahraman Bagatir (TUR), Mr Philippe Bouclet (FRA), Mrs. Eva Thesen (NOR), Mr. Thierry Zintz (BEL), Mrs. Evelyn Papadopoulou (GRE), Mrs Trudy Medwed (AUT)
Secretary General: Mrs. Marinella Pisciotti (ITA)
Treasurer: Mr. Gianni Mangino (ITA)

On May 25th 2010 was held the 12th EMAU Congress in Rovereto (Italy), with 34 Members Associations attending.

This was the new EMAU Organization Chart:
President: Mr. Mario Scarzella (ITA)
Vice Presidents: Mr. Klaus Lindau (GER), Mr Vladimir Esheev (RUS)
Council Members: Mr. Hakan Cakiroglu (TUR), Mr Philippe Bouclet (FRA), Mrs. Eva Thesen (NOR), Mr. Thierry Zintz (BEL), Mrs. Evelyn Papadopoulou (GRE), Mrs Trudy Medwed (AUT)
Secretary General: Mrs. Marinella Pisciotti (ITA)
Finance Board: Secretary General,  Mr Gianni Mangino (ITA)  and Mr Christian LAFOREST (FRA)

The 13th EMAU Congress took place in Amsterdam (NED) on 20 May 2012. Delegates of 40 countries participated to that historical Congress. It was voted at a large majority to change the name of the European Continental Union, from EMAU to World Archery Europe (WAE).

After the elections, this is the new WAE Executive Board:
President: Mr Mario Scarzella (ITA)
Vice Presidents:  Mr Klaus Lindau (GER), Mr Vladimir Esheev (RUS)
Members: Mr Philippe Bouclet (FRA), Mr Hakan Cakiroglu (TUR), Mrs Trudy Medwed (AUT), Mrs Evelyn Papadopoulou (GRE), Mr Rolf Lind (DEN), Mr Thierry Zintz (BEL)
Secretary General: Mrs Marinella Pisciotti (ITA)
Finance Board Chair: Mr Christian Laforest (FRA)

Mr Gianni Mangino announced his retirement as EMAU Treasurer after having cooperated with EMAU for 20 years period. He was appointed by the Congress as EMAU Honorary Treasurer.

The 14th WAE Congress took place in Yerevan (ARM) on 20 July 2014, at the eve of the XXI European Outdoor Championships. Delegates of 35 countries participated to the Elective Congress.

After the elections, this is the new WAE Executive Board:
President: Mr Mario Scarzella (ITA)
Vice Presidents:  Mr Hakan Cakiroglu (TUR), Mr Vladimir Esheev (RUS)
Members: Mr Philippe Bouclet (FRA), Mrs Sabrina Steffens (GER), Mr Daniel Pavlov (BUL), Mrs Trudy Medwed (AUT), Mr Rolf Lind (DEN), Mr Thierry Zintz (BEL)
Secretary General: Mrs Marinella Pisciotti (ITA)
Finance Board Chair: Mr Christian Laforest (FRA)

The delegates approved the motion to have the European Para-Archery Championships every 2 years. This motion will come into effect immediately from 20 July 2014. 

The 15th WAE Congress took place in Nottingham (GBR) on 22 May 2016, at the eve of the XXII European Outdoor Championships. Delegates of 43 countries participated to the Elective Congress.

After the elections, this is the new WAE Executive Board:
President: Mr Mario Scarzella (ITA)
Vice Presidents:  Mr Vladimir Esheev (RUS) – 1st Vice-President, Mr Hakan Cakiroglu (TUR)
Members: Mrs Hilda Gibson (GBR), Mrs Sabrina Steffens (GER), Mr Daniel Pavlov (BUL), Mr Vicente Martinez Orga (ESP), Mr Rolf Lind (DEN), Mr Dominique Ohlmann (FRA)
Secretary General: Mrs Marinella Pisciotti (ITA)
Finance Board Chair: Mr Christian Laforest (FRA)

The 16th WAE Congress took place in Legnica (POL), on 26 August 2018, at the eve of the XXIII European Outdoor Championship. Delegates of 43 countries participated to the elective Congress.

After the elections, this is the new WAE Executive Board:

President: Mr Mario Scarzella (ITA)

Vice Presidents:  Mr Vladimir Esheev (RUS) -1st V. President and Mr Hakan Cakiroglu (TUR)

Members: Mrs Hilda Gibson (GBR),  Mrs Sabrina Steffens (GER),  Mr Daniel Pavlov (BUL), Mr Rolf Lind (DEN), Mr Dominique Ohlmann (FRA) and Mr Uidl Darko (CRO)

Secretary General: Mrs Alessandra Colasante (ITA)

Finance Board Chair: Mr Christian Laforest (FRA)

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