Patras is ready for Youth Championships 2018

Greece is another time stage of an European archery event: the 2018 Youth Champonships in Patras.

A challenging week awaits 352 young archers, coming from 40 nations all over Europe, for a double event: the 2018 Championships and the Continental Olympic Qualification Tournament for YOG Buenos Aires 2018, last quotas available for Cadets (only).

SCHEDULE – Let’s start tomorrow, Tuesday 26, with official practice and Opening Ceremony; on Wednesday 27 Qualificaton Rounds (morning session for Juniors and afternoon session for Cadets) with also first elimination rounds for both. Thursady 28 is dedicated to Eliminations (individuals in the morning and teams in the afternoon); on Friday 29 the CQT and then the Mixed Team competition in the afternoon. A long weekend of Finals: Saturday 30 Compound division (Cadets and Juniors, individuals and teams) and on Sunday 1 it’s time for Recurve (Cadets and Juniors, individuals and teams).

LIVE RESULTS – End-by-end and arrow-by-arrow results will be available on and on dedicated InfoSystem page. In addition Live Twitting Result on WAE twitter profile (@archeryeurope), starting from elimination rounds.

LIVE STREAMING – All the competition will be live on World Archery Europe Youtube Channel.

PHOTOGALLERY – Here the official photogallery of the event, with day-by-day updates.

WEBSITE – Official event website.

LOCATION – Patras is Greece’s third-largest city and the regional capital of Western Greece, in the northern Peloponnese, 215 km (134 mi) west of Athens. The city is built at the foothills of Mount Panachaikon, overlooking the Gulf of Patras.

Discover more about the city.

WEATHER – Not a very good weather is expected for the first part of the week, then the sun will come up for finals (cross-fingers). Here weather forecast for entire event.

SOCIAL – Follow WAE facebook page and event facebook page too; socialize with official hashtag #EYChPatras18.


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