Judge Seminar 2018 in Wiesbaden

From 16th to 18th of November, a seminar for World Archery Europe Continental Judge candidates was organized at the premises of the German Shooting and Archery Federation at Wiesbaden (GER)

24 candidates from various countries attended the seminar. All did a pre-seminar test before they could finally register. Participants were welcomed by Mr. Klaus Lindau, representative of the DSB and chairman of the archery division of the DSB.

On Saturday we were joined by Mrs. Sabrina Steffens, member of WAE Executive Board and our liaison between Archery Europe Federation.

During the first 2 days the members of the Judge Committee gave different presentations on the current archery rules, together with candidates worked on practical discussion about case studies and practical session on scoring.

On the third day the candidates had to pass an exam.

This time the exam consists of two parts: first part was a “Closed book” with 53 questions, than the second part was an “Open book” test with 5 case studies in which participants must give their opinion of how they would solved the described situations.

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