

We are greatly saddened to learn of the death of Mr. Gian Piero Spada, from Italy, at the age of 57 years old, after fighting with cancer for a long period.

He started his career as a judge in Italy from 1988. In 1993 he was appointed as Chairman of the European Judges and in 2000, following the new appointment as Chairman of the FITA Judges Committee, he gave his resignation from EMAU position. He played a leading role in the development of the judging in Europe.

He served at many Championships and also in the Olympic Games in Atlanta 1996 and in Athens 2004. He was appointed by FITA as a Judge Emeritus and retired in 2007.

WAE President, Mario Scarzella, together with WAE Executive Board and the Secretary General Marinella Pisciotti, express to his family, the sincerest condolences for this great lost.

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