European Coach”s Trainers Course

With the common work of EMAU, FITA, Olympic Solidarity, European NOCs, CNOSF and French Archery Federation, a major project will be proposed to European coaches soon. The principle is to teach archer coaches with a good experience at level 2 (upon 3) how to train level 1 coaches (in 2011 and level 2 in 2012).\r\n

This could help us, in a close future, to train more level 1 and 2 coaches; and way more than organizing only coaching courses in several European countries as we use to do over the last years. Moreover, we could expect a reduction of courses costs, as we will get more available trainers, and probably closer from the course location.

Actual project plans:

Course length:
Will last one year with two camps. Between the camps, all candidates will have to conduct at least one coaching course.

First camp:Arrival on 27th February 2011, course will start on 28th morning and will end on March 5th evening, candidates will leave on 6th
Second camp:
Not scheduled yet, but on the same period in 2012.

14 coaches (only one funded by country).\r\n

Attendants profile:
Candidates to the course must:

·Have a consequent experience in level 2 coaching in archery.

·Be charged by their national archery federation to train coaches in our sport

·Accept to train coaches abroad. On the long range, the goal is to get one coaching course conductor per country; it will take a while! Meanwhile, we hope that these trainers will assist other countries, or groups of countries.

Priority will be given to countries being in high need of archery coaching education.


English. Pending candidates’ profile, a French or Russian translation is possible. In order to keep time for training, there will be only one translation.

Camps location:


Centre de Tir A L”arc
Zone 4 Zac De Mercières,
Rue Jacques Daguerre
60471 Compiègne FRANCE

Phone :

+33 (0)3 44 23 04 43

Fax :

+33 (0)3 44 23 23 70


[email protected]

website :


Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle (North of Paris), 60 km from Compiègne. Trains from Paris are available to the airport and to Compiègne. Shuttle between airport and Compiegne will be arranged by the organizers.

All the costs related to course attendance will be taken in charge at Airport Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle (only from this airport). Included: onsite transportation (airport – course location), full board (during the course) and training costs (free for one candidate per countries being in high need of archery coaching education).
Travel to Paris is at the attendant charge. But, a financial assistance will be given to one attendant per country; the amount of this help is still undefined. The information will be given to each attendant who asks for it.

Will be done following the order of reception. Nevertheless priority will be given to countries being in high need of archery coaching education.
You can already register at: [email protected]


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