15 new EMAU continental Judges – Judge Seminar in Wiesbaden

The EMAU Continental Judge and FITA Candidate Judge Seminar was held in Wiesbaden, on 23-25 October 2009. The Seminar was a great success and well organized by Deutcher Schutzenbund in its headquarters.
In total 50 participants were present at the Seminar, 24 from EMAU Member Associations, 23 from different Continental Associations for the FITA Judge candidate and 3 sit-ins.
The lecturing was done by the EMAU Judge Committee members, Pol Ney, Jean Martens and Victor Stanescu and by the FITA Judge Committee members Morten Wilmann and Sergio Font.
The Seminar covered all aspects of judging the outdoor and indoor competitions and the judge philosophy. Sergio Font presented also the new set system and other major changes to the rules and procedures approved by the last FITA Congress in Ulsan.
These are the judges who passed successfully the exam and became Continental Judges:

Sabrina Steffens (GER) p. 210
Flemming Skjoldborg (DEN) 208
Neil Foden (GBR) 206
Kristina Melicharova (SVK) 200
Robert Erica (NED) 200
Ringa Baltrusaite (LTU) 197
Martino Miani (ITA) 195
Kjetil Johnsen (NOR) 192
Wojciech Poprawski (POL) 191
Andrew Woodger (GBR) 188
Bjarne Strandby (DEN) 186
Bernard Florent (BEL) 178
Drasko Mihinjac (CRO) 178
Mariya Larkina (RUS) 178
Francisco José Giménez Hernández (ESP) 177

Congratulations to them!

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